Thursday, May 8, 2008

Weight Loss....

I promise this will be quick. I don't know how many of you are not happy with your weight, but I am really sick of being FAT! I gained so much weight when I was pregnant with Dylan and he will be 5 in July. We found out after he was born that my thyroid was barely working and contributed to my fatness. It took awhile to get the right dosing, but I am still overweight. I've trained and run 2 marathons, 1 half marathon, and a bunch of 5 and 10 k's. So what's up???? I have no idea. So I am pleading with anyone that lives close to me to start a walking or running program with me. I hate exercising by myself. So if anyone is interested in getting together to run, walk, jog, bike, whatever, please let me know. Dylan turns 5 at the end of July and I would like to be at least 20 pounds lighter of course 50 would be great too, but I have to be realistic.


  1. I wish I lived closer because I would totally be your exercising buddy. I am so not happy with my weight now or for the last few years.

  2. Boy oh boy,sis. I would totally do that with you if I still lived there. I too have ended up almost 50 lbs overweight after having my two kids. I know you've been to my blog so you've probably read my weight-loss posts. I'm down 13 lbs and now the real push starts because it's hard-to-lose pounds that I'm at now. we want more kids, but I wouldn't dare at my current weight. I wouldn't even consider it until at least 20 more pounds from now. So I wish you luck with your weight loss because I totally know exactly what you're going thru right now. I'll be thinking of you. I hope you post about your weight loss as you go along. I'd like to read about it.
    Missing you,


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