Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Sacramento Zoo

We did it!!!!! We got brave and decided to go on a family outing to the zoo. For those you of you that have a child or children with special needs, know how difficult it can be to go places. When we go places, we feel like a traveling circus. We have the wheelchair, feeding supplies, formula, vibrating toys, etc.... That's just for Dylan. Then we have to deal with all the strange looks from people. You would think that people have never seen a child in a wheelchair before. Depending on my mood sometimes I'll say what are you looking at, smile politely or completely ignore them. For Brianna there is a stroller, which she will not end up in. She of course wants to walk, diapers (not any longer, she's potty trained now), snacks, juice, hat, sunglasses, and of course her blanket. We were so proud. I know it might sound silly to most of you, but going to the zoo is a big deal for us. It's really hard to find activities for both of our kids to do, let alone be able to do it as a family. We had an enjoyable time. we stopped for Coldstone ice cream on the way hom. Brianna missed out on the ice cream since she fell asleep. Here's some pics of our day a few Saturdays back.
Brianna loves peguins so she was estatic to see the exhibit that was going on when went went. She loved that there were Brianna sized penguins. She was so excited!!!

Dylan really liked the zoo. We don't know how much he sees, but he can definitely take in all the sounds, and smells. The monkey sounds really made him laugh. My two favorite guys!!!!! Brianna and her cheese face.

A proud mommy and my two kids:) Brianna purposefully wouldn't look at the camera.

Dylan touching giraffe skin, with help of mommy. He didn't know what to think of it. It does feel really wierd.
We had a really fun time and hope to go do more things in the future. Any ideas of places to go that are kid friendly??


  1. Glad you had so much fun, you can tell that Dylan and Brianna loved it. I like his new zippy chair. Totally relate to the thing about people looking, it is so annoying how people gawk or stare just because someone looks different or sitting in a wheelchair.

  2. Hi Bjurstrom Family,
    I am the Public Relations Coordinator at the Sacramento Zoo and came across your blog post about your recent Zoo visit. I am pleased to hear you had a good time and would like to invite you to our annual Dreamnight at the Zoo event on June 6th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. This is a special free evening for children with chronic illnesses or disabilities, and their families. If you would like to email me at with your email address I would like to send you the invitation (planning to go out next week). Please let me know if you have any questions!

    Lauren Kraft


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