Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dylan update

Our laughing, happy boy. Kalen took this pic so I don't know why Dylan is laughing. We really have been enjoying the peaceful Dylan. Back during the last part of February and all of March, Dylan was yodeling. He wasn't screaming, but we knew something was wrong. We went down the checklist of possible things it could be and when none of the other things checked out, the only thing left was that his reflux was bad. Sure enough after doing a Ph study, we found out that he was having tons of reflux episodes. It explains why he was so uncomfortable. We switched his reflux meds and the "yodeling" went away. I'm sad to say that it is causing him problems again. So we've up his meds and we see a new GI doctor in June. Can you believe that June is next month? Where is this year going?
Dylan was sick a couple of times in the past few weeks. I mean really sick. He was puking and then he spiked a fever. When that happens, we have to worry that Dylan might have aspirated. For those of you that don't know what that means, it means that it goes right back down and into Dylan's lung which in turn can cause pneumonia. We went to the doctor, after dealing with an awful advice nurse. I mean come on, I don't call for everything with either of my kids. Dylan's case a little different and the stupid advice nurse was trying to tell me that he had the flu. Did she miss that Dylan has special needs like, cerebral palsy, low muscle tone, a visual impairment, amongst a list of other things. We finally got an appointment with his pediatrician and we got the word that Dylan's lungs were clear. What a relief. He's ped. said it wasn't the flu. Yeah!!!! I know I knew it wasn't. The day we saw the doctor, Dylan puked like 7 times while Kalen was giving him a bath. We are suspecting that it's his reflux. Poor kids. We feel so bad for him. We hope the new dosage of medicine will work and we can have our happy, mellow, non-yodeling Dylan back:) Think good thoughts!

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