Friday, May 16, 2008

Weight Loss.... Update

Well, Sarah this is for you. This was a really bad week. I was able to run early Monday morning. I was hoping for 6 miles but ended up running 4. Not too bad. It's amazing how soon your body forgets what's it's accomplished. Now that construction is done, I will be able to exercise more. It was a little strange having someone in my house everyday. I couldn't imagine trying to exercise while my house was being put back together. Anyhow.... this week was better than I thought it would be. Next week will be better. I'm proud because I've really taken the time to figure out what I should eat and not just grab string cheese. I know some of you do that:) Anyhow the journey continues:)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! Between the two of us, we'll beat the dreaded "fat monster"! I've considered taking up running myself. I can see how it would be a major workout for me because we live up on the mountain and have lots of inclines that would work me hard, but it's that same reason, coupled with the altitude, that make me think that I'd be crazy to go running in this thin air. I'd be gasping for breath I'm sure. For now I love my Tae-Bo and my Pilates. Running may come later....


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