Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sleep Study

I took Dylan to Kaiser in South Sacramento last Monday evening so he could have a sleep study done. We here him making strange gasping noises when he sleeps, plus he snores. (Almost as bad as Kalen) Anyhow we headed down there around 6:30 and traffic went smooth. Crazy for HWY 99. Anyhow.... it took awhile to get him all hooked up. He was a good sport. For someone who doesn't like his head touched or anything on his face he was a trooper. We find the official results in a few weeks, but the tech said that he had a quiet night. We were sent home at 4:30am. Yes you read that right.....4:30 in the morning. Dylan stayed asleep while all the stuff was taken off his head. What woke him up was when I transferred him to his wheelchair. We arrived home at 5am. I put Dylan in his bed and hoped that he would go to sleep. He eventually did, but man our whole day was messed up. Both him and I were exhausted. I'm still getting all the adhesive off of his face still.

Here's our happy Dylan..... little did he know what he was getting himself into.

The thing under his nose, bugged him the most.

1 comment:

  1. its fun that you took pictures! hope the test results will reveal the mystery! (i hate all the suspense and waiting!)

    Dylan has such a great smile!


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