Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I have to admit there is something about Wednesdays. They are one of my favorite days of the week. Maybe it's because I know the week is half over. Am I the only one?? Truly I can't be.

My mind has been racing with a million thoughts today. Here's just a few things that have been going through my mind:

  • I need to find a crib bedding set I like that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Should I attempt to make one with the help with one of my many friends that can sew? -- It's not like she is going to care what her sheets look like, but I do.
  • What should I make for dinner? ----- I found myself thinking of this at 7:15 this morning. Dinner is still hard for me to do since Dylan died. You'd think I'd be a pro by now since it's been over 3 years but it's still tough.
  • Do I REALLY want to buy more maternity clothes for 8 more weeks?? I LOVE that it's now FALL but hate that when pregnant you have to buy certain clothes. It just seems dumb.
  • What should I clean today?
  • As I stare at our entryway wall, I keep telling myself that I will hang up some of our family pictures to go along with the "B" I got at Hobby Lobby a few months ago. Then my mind races to the thought that I REALLY want to go to Hobby Lobby but I don't REALLY need anything from there. I've really been focusing on need vs. wants lately. Isn't it amazing how we try to convince ourselves we NEED something.
  • I should really do laundry (again), but don't want to.
  • What's a good title for the book I REALLY want to write?
  • I should really start doing/making things that I've pinned on Pinterest that I have been wanting to do for months.
  • What is Brianna going to be for Halloween? I know it's still September, but I honestly HATE Halloween. Especially since Dylan died. I don't mind the trick or treating but really dislike all the goore, death and creepy stuff that comes along with it. She says she wants to be a "Pot of Gold" to go along with Isabella's rainbow costume. Seems pretty easy enough to make, but I better get a start on it IF that's what she really is going to be. Anyone have one or know where I could just buy one??
  • Are the baby's kicks/movements "normal"? Having had a kid with seizures it's SO hard not to mentally go there and worry that something is wrong.
  • I REALLY need to get the rest of the coupons I have out, cut and put away and matched up with this weeks ad's of what we need. Why is couponing so hard to do when I REALLY like doing it. Seeing an average of at least 55% does something for me:)
I think that's it for now. Add in needing to clean my house, move Isabella into Brianna's room, move the toys into the office/playroom and I think I have just a few things to keep me busy.

What's on your list of things to do that just NEVER seem to get done?? I can't be the only person that has this happen to, right??

Tell me here or on Facebook:)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bribe or Reward....take your pick

So last week I felt like I was almost at my wits end with trying to keep Isabella from getting out of her bed. I was tired of the fits she was throwing and my yelling. I want it to be peaceful for everyone in our house at night. I was seriously worried that it wouldn't get back that way.

After much prayer, consulting with friends and talking with Kalen, we decided to "entice" her with a bribe/reward. Monday night I told her that if she stayed in her bed and didn't get out that I would take her to the park the next day. Sure enough she stayed in bed. So we headed to the park. I thought to myself, "This is too good to be true AND I don't want to have to come to the park EVERYDAY, especially with a new baby that will be here 9 weeks from today. I/we had to come up with simple, reasonable rewards for Isabella. Tuesday came and this time we told her I'd paint her toes and fingernails with "pretties" as she calls them. It worked again. Tuesday night she was promised that if she stayed in bed we'd go to story time on Wednesday. Sure enough she stayed in bed. We are on a roll. Then the thought dawned on me. Probably the most important thing she has is her blanket. On Wednesday night, we told her that if she got out of bed, we'd take her blanket and it would be gone. Sure enough, she stayed in bed. I SERIOUSLY can't believe it. I'm still not completely sold that she won't get out, but for now I'm crossing my fingers.

As I type right now, I have the monitor next to me and she is staying in her bed. YAY!!! It is a true blessing. Thank you to those that have kept us in your prayers. I have a huge testimony about prayer and that no matter how big or small a challenge I might be facing, I can get the guidance I need because of prayer. It's a wonderful gift.

So I ask you my readers, what are the bribes/rewards you have found to be effective for your kid(s)?

Positive reinforcement is HUGE for Isabella so periodically throughout our day, I remind her how much of a big girl she is that she stayed in her bed. Her eyes seem to radiate excitement. She will then tell me that, "blanket goes bye bye if she gets up". She gets it. She really gets it!!! Strange that she is not even 2 1/2 but she can understand a reward versus a punishment.

I hoping that she will keep it up!

Good luck with whatever parenting challenges you are facing.

Friday, September 13, 2013


It's 3:42am and I am wide awake. It's not so much due to pregnancy as to the stresses of life. Ever have those moments where you just want to give up and throw in the towel? Well today is one of those days.

I am physically and emotionally drained. I'm worried about Brianna and school. I don't know how to keep Isabella in her bed at night. I'm worried about this baby. I feel like no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get ahead. My list seems never ending.

We have almost 10 weeks until this baby comes and I am no where ready. I know life is going to change drastically and I am worried that I won't be up for the challenge. Taking care of a newborn is hard and exhausting. Add in a 2 year old that is currently testing the boundaries big time and an 8 year old who is desperately missing her friends at school since she is in a split class and doesn't see any of her close friends. I feel like it's a recipe for disaster. I'm trying to keep calm but it is hard. Add in pregnancy hormones and BAM!, I'm a mess. Kalen and I felt so strongly that we were suppose to have another member in our family. I can't wait to meet our newest addition. I'm really, really, really hoping for a calm, easy go with the flow baby. Do those even exist? Ha!

I wish that I had something thought provoking or powerful to say, but I don't. I'm tired. I want to sleep, but my mind is racing. Thoughts of what I need to start doing for the new baby, hoping Brianna's principal will respond to my email and will actually "hear" my concerns, stressing about what the best things would be to say "IF" she will meet with me, how I hate that I lose my "cool" with Isabella, is the baby okay?, is she kicking enough. These are just a few things that are running through my head at the moment. I wish I was sleeping. I know this means, I WILL be exhausted later today because I highly doubt I'll get a nap in.

I NEVER thought being a "MOM" would be so hard. It's definitely not what I thought it would be. The love I feel for my children is more than I ever thought possible. I think with that great love, great frustration can come too. I just want my kids to be happy. There is so much though that has to happen in order for them to be happy.

I started this week a no electronic policy in our house, no iPhones, iPads, iPods, TV or computer from the hours of 6-8pm. There hasn't been too much complaining from the kids. I don't think Kalen is a huge fan of this policy but I have been feeling that our family is too "distracted". Because we haven't been sucked in by electronics this week, we've been really really good about family scripture study and just talking with each other. I'm not sharing this as a "look at me and my family", but as something I hope that you might try in your families or just for yourself. It's amazing how much I didn't realize I check Facebook, play words with friends, candy crush saga, look on pinterest, or whatever else I felt I had to do with my phone. I hope that we will be able to keep it up. I did go to Brianna's back to school night last night and came home to the TV on. I was annoyed that the new policy wasn't enforced, but I can't ask for perfection just yet!

So this weekend I guess not only will we be putting together a crib but we will be taking down Isabella's. I am NOT looking forward to having her in a regular bed. I feel like it's going to open a whole new can of worms but it needs to be done. Pray for me and Isabella. Pray that I will have the patience and endurance to deal with this change. Pray for her that she will learn that she needs to stay in her bed when it's bedtime.

I just want us to be happy and right now I feel like it's a lofty goal. I'm trying but it's SO hard.

Here's to a great weekend!


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