Monday, September 23, 2013

Bribe or Reward....take your pick

So last week I felt like I was almost at my wits end with trying to keep Isabella from getting out of her bed. I was tired of the fits she was throwing and my yelling. I want it to be peaceful for everyone in our house at night. I was seriously worried that it wouldn't get back that way.

After much prayer, consulting with friends and talking with Kalen, we decided to "entice" her with a bribe/reward. Monday night I told her that if she stayed in her bed and didn't get out that I would take her to the park the next day. Sure enough she stayed in bed. So we headed to the park. I thought to myself, "This is too good to be true AND I don't want to have to come to the park EVERYDAY, especially with a new baby that will be here 9 weeks from today. I/we had to come up with simple, reasonable rewards for Isabella. Tuesday came and this time we told her I'd paint her toes and fingernails with "pretties" as she calls them. It worked again. Tuesday night she was promised that if she stayed in bed we'd go to story time on Wednesday. Sure enough she stayed in bed. We are on a roll. Then the thought dawned on me. Probably the most important thing she has is her blanket. On Wednesday night, we told her that if she got out of bed, we'd take her blanket and it would be gone. Sure enough, she stayed in bed. I SERIOUSLY can't believe it. I'm still not completely sold that she won't get out, but for now I'm crossing my fingers.

As I type right now, I have the monitor next to me and she is staying in her bed. YAY!!! It is a true blessing. Thank you to those that have kept us in your prayers. I have a huge testimony about prayer and that no matter how big or small a challenge I might be facing, I can get the guidance I need because of prayer. It's a wonderful gift.

So I ask you my readers, what are the bribes/rewards you have found to be effective for your kid(s)?

Positive reinforcement is HUGE for Isabella so periodically throughout our day, I remind her how much of a big girl she is that she stayed in her bed. Her eyes seem to radiate excitement. She will then tell me that, "blanket goes bye bye if she gets up". She gets it. She really gets it!!! Strange that she is not even 2 1/2 but she can understand a reward versus a punishment.

I hoping that she will keep it up!

Good luck with whatever parenting challenges you are facing.


  1. Oh, how wonderful that she understands consequences at such a young age!

    1. I couldn't agree more! She has such a strong willed personality it's this is a HUGE blessing that she understand consequences.


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