Monday, May 19, 2008

I am so annoyed....

I found out today that when we have respite, Dylan can't get any tube feedings done, because that is considered nursing care and respite isn't nursing care. It's too much of a liability for them, so I have to plan respite around feedings. That sucks. The supervisor told me to have a friend or neighbor on stand by for feedings while I'm out. Wouldn't I have my friends, neighbors, etc. do respite for me anyways and not use an agency. The whole reason I have respite is because I don't have anyone to watch my kids!!!!! So how now am I suppose to have him get his fluids while I'm out. Or also if Kalen and I were ever to go out of town, I guess Dylan wouldn't get fluids for a day since the workers aren't allowed to tube feed him. It's ridiculous to me. Anyhow I just needed to vent. I've been in a funk and this just made matters worse. Now I feel a little better that I got that off my chest.


  1. Hey Francesca, my name is Bryan Moore and I am an old friend of Kalen's from Middletown. Could you pass on my email to him? (It's on my blogger profile.)



  2. Sorry you're bummed, that stinks. I love bloggin b/c I totally get stuff off my chest too. Plus you get other people's sympathy which is great.

  3. That is so frustrating. I am sorry you are in a funk. Call me if you need to talk, tommorow afternoon I should be home.


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