Friday, May 23, 2008

Ball Pit/Pool

I am on the hunt for a ball pit for Dylan. I want to create a therapy room for Dylan at our house. One of the things I would like to have in the room is a ball pit. These things are not cheap, so I am trying to figure out a way to get one. Any ideas?????

Here's pic of one that I would like to get:
This would be a great thing for Dylan. It provides tons of sensory input, which Dylan needs. This has been on my wish list for Dylan for the past year!!!!!


  1. I don't know if this is big enough for you but here is a link to one I saw on Amazon....

  2. Francesca,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. When I first read your blog I wondered if you might belong to a ward also. :) I am in Rocklin 3rd
    Ward. What ward are you in? You should check out the shorts they are buy one and then get one at 1/2off. Have you checked out signing Time! before? It might be good for Dylan.

  3. How about for his birthday asking for money towards the ball pit instead of gifts. I know other parents of special needs kids who do that because of the great benefit of something would have for their child. My friend is doing that in order to pay for some supplements for her autistic son.


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