Monday, May 19, 2008

Summer Cooking!

Alright fellow blog readers. I am in need of recipes that are good during the summer. I really dislike cooking when it's hot. Turning on the oven doesn't sound too appealing, so with that said I am asking for your help. What are your favorite summer recipes? I am thanking you ahead of time:)


  1. I am no chef, so at least once or twice a week we head outside and BBQ some meat or chicken to throw on a salad. Yum-o!

  2. I was going to suggest the same thing, use the BBQ. Also, you can certainly make salads a meal. I made a great Weight Watchers Chinese chicken salad.

  3. We love using the BBQ, but it's hard to have side dishes sometimes if you know what I mean. Kalen isn't the biggest green salad eater.


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