Sunday, July 11, 2010

Funeral Photos

I never posted photos from Dylan's funeral. I've been meaning to, but it's just really hard. I want to give a huge thanks to Sandi. I appreciate the time and effort she put into taking photos of that day so we can remember. It was wonderful to be surrounded by family and friends. We are so grateful to all that attended Dylan's funeral service. We are also very thankful to those that helped behind the scenes with setting up, decorating, planning the food for the luncheon, those that provided food for the luncheon, those that helped at the luncheon and the list goes on. We are just THANKFUL........


  1. Wow there are some beautiful pictures in there. It looks like a really lovely service.

  2. I'm so sorry. So so sorry. No mama should have to bury a child.

    It looks like it was a beautiful service. I LOVE the bubbles. :o) I bet Dylan would too.


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