Saturday, April 19, 2008

Organic or not??????

Okay here's a question for all of our blog readers. We are trying to eat healthier and we are debating if we want to introduce organic foods into our diet. My question is how do you do it and what's good to eat. I doubt we would ever eat Tofu. Let me change that, Kalen won't eat Tofu. I'm not saying that I want to completely switch to organic foods, but I think there are benefits. We have seen studies that show that some of them don't have as much nutrients as the "regular" foods we eat. Just wondering?????? Please let me know if you know of any good links or stores. The only store I can think of is Whole Foods. But heard that it's expensive......... Any info would be great!


  1. If by nutrients, you mean Pesticides...well yeah, organics are totally lacking in that area.

    Start with fruits and veggies. Look at them next time you go to the store. Set an organic apple next to a non-organic. The size is a huge difference. Then there is the wax that they put on the non-organic. Flavor. Buy the two apples and taste the difference.

    Besides Whole Foods there is Trader Joes. Sacramento Foods Co-Op (downtown), and probably some other places.

    Also...Tofu is for vegetarians. Barf! You can buy organic meats, too.

  2. I heard on TV that you start with dairy products when going organic. Yes, they are more expensive, but every major grocery store has added them to their shelves. Safeway has their own line, Raley's/Bel Air has added the full circle brand, etc. Organic fruits and veggies tend not to stay fresh as long as non-organic.
    Good luck!

  3. I've kindof gone on a small organinc streak as well....I've started with buying the staples...organinc eggs, milk, and Costco offers great organic the way I tagged you back :)


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