Sunday, April 13, 2008

Family Gathering -- minus Grandma and Grandpa

Brian, Lori, MaryEllen, and Henry came over last Monday evening to make a "Welcome Home" sign for Grandpa and Grandma. The kids had fun fingerpainting and coloring on the sign. Henry even made a handprint with the help of Lori. It's nice that they are so close. We wish that we would see them more and have more chances for the kids to play together since they are our kids only cousins at the moment. Here's some pics of last Monday........

Kyle, Kalen's brother, gave us this hat for Dylan after he was first born. It now finally fits him. Dylan actually tolerates the hat. He thought it was funny to wear it. What a funny kid!!!!!

One of our favorite cousins.... Superstar MaryEllen

Brian, Lori and Henry taking to make a handprint on the sign.

Brianna hard at work. She loves to color. What kid doesn't? Maybe she will be an "artist"!!!!

Brianna loves to play mommy and always wants to hol Henry whenever she sees him. It's so funny to watch her with him. She talks to him in a high squeaky voice. "Hi Henry".

The cousins, minus Dylan. I think he was chilling with Daddy. So cute!!!!! We are truly blessed.


  1. Love the picture of Dylan with the hat, the pic of the cousins is cute also, Henry is getting so big.

  2. How cute. What a great idea to let the kids help with the sign. Brianna is so cute. Marissa does that mommy thing, too. Talks to people smaller than her in a high pitched voice. Babies them. Very cute!!

  3. Your kids are so cute. I love cousins close too, isn't it the best?? It makes me never want to move away from our families. BTW, I do plan to do the tag thing eventually, life is just kinda hectic right now. Thanks for being great.

  4. So good to here that you guys are doing well. Your kids have gotten so big so fast. Hopefully I'll be able to do that question thing that you tagged me on soon. We're not in Reno yet./ Hopefully by next weekend.

  5. Fran the last comment is from me Leslie. For some reason it posted the comment from my mom.

  6. Hi Francesca!
    I'm so glad you have a blog, The kids are just so beautiful. What a handsome boy that Dylan is getting to be! I'll keep checking your blog to keep up with you guys. You can always see our blog too at I'd love to hear from you! Glad things seem to be going well for you right now.

  7. Hi,
    What cute pictures of the kids. That sign must have so much fun for them to make. Your blog is so cute.


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