Friday, April 4, 2008

I Got Tagged!!!!!

My friend Pamola "tagged" me a few months back, and I just haven't had a chance to answer the questions. So here we go........

1. Habit: ummm....let's see I put lotion on after I wash my hands every single time. Sometimes I think I'm OCD.

2: Goal: To lose the weight I gain while I was pregnant with Dylan. I can't believe that has been almost 5 years ago.

3: Random Fact: I don't know how random a fact this is but I hate surprises

4: Another Habit: I bites my fingernails. I've been trying to give this up for years, but can't. I do it when I'm bored or nervous

5: Another Goal: Start an appropriate school program for Dylan and other children with special needs. Who knows when I'll find the time to do this, let alone have the resources to.

6: Another Habit: I am anal about balancing my checkbook and making sure that every check or check debit purchase has been entered.

7. Another Fact: I love watching Jon & Kate plus 8 on TLC. It makes me feel like my life isn't as hectic as it could be. And am grateful that I am able to share my time with my kids.

8. Another Random Fact: I people watch, according to my husband. I guess I don't realize I do it.

9. Another Goal: I want to start something of my own....... I want to develop the gift of being super crafty or talented. I think a bakery or boutique would be awesome.

10. One last Random Fact: I've run the Lake Tahoe Marathon twice.

Who I would like to tag:
1. Stacie
2. Stacy Justinich
3. Nicole Fisher
4. Malissa Turner
5. Sheila Capell

1 comment:

  1. Yay you did it. You finally did it! Thanks. I love learning new things about old people.

    Also, I absolutely adore your layout. I have tried a ridiculous amount of times to fix mine to no avail. Someday I will figure it out.
    Very cute. Very cute.


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