Friday, April 4, 2008

Allright....I know I've been lame but read to get caught up...... I know I haven't posted since we have been back into our house. It's been crazy and you won't believe. We have a leak in our master bathroom shower and our bedroom is closed off so Kalen and I have to sleep out in one of the front rooms. Crazy!!!!!! let me get you caught up. I haven't posted in so looooooooonnnnnnngggggggg, that I forgot to publish the most recent photo first. Oh well so these are out of order, but I don't feel like going back and switching them. I do have more current photos, but this post is taking forever.


My Kalen

My brother, Brian and my nephew, Henry during the Easter egg hunt

Brianna loved looking for eggs. We had an EAster egg hunt at Brian and Lori's and an Easter Egg Hunt.

Dylan just chilling. It was so sweet, Brianna shared some of her eggs with Dylan, all by herself without us even asking her to. she is such a sweetie.

Our pretty princess in her Easter Dress

She was so excited to find the Easter baskets when she woke up

Aunt Kaci and Uncle David came for a visit and brought brianna this kitty. She has given up baby bear and now "demands" kitty goes everywhere with us.

Kaci (Kalen sister), Kalen, Brianna, and David

Henry and Lori at our family dinner

Brian reading a book to Brianna

Always smiling Dylan

She got into a lot of trouble the night this pic was taken. She looks like an angel but way acting a completing different way.

Grandma and MaryEllen escaped to Brianna's room to read some books.

My sister-in-law is a consultant for UPPERCASE LIVING. It is such a unique company. The products that they sell are basically like rub on for you scrapbookers out there, but for you walls. crafts, etc..... This is what is over our bed in our room. It puts a smile on my face whenever I look at it. If you want my sister-in-laws info let me know and I'll pass it on.

This saying is on the wall above my kitchen window..........

Brianna making cookies for a Family Home Evening activity

Dylan enjoying his new yellow ball.

Me holding Henry at another family gathering.

Brianna found a baby and is now playing mommy

Brianna and Uncle Kyle. Kyle came for a visit and Brianna wasn't to thrilled about taking a picture with Kyle.

Dylan's "cool" mouse hat he made with his teacher.

He loved his hat

Can't remember why Kalen gave him money. Kalen thought this pic was hilarious.

Dylan getting his EEG done at home to see if he was having seizures. good news, he was seizure free during the test. The medicine is working!!!!

Can someone say conehead????????

Brianna and MaryEllen at Kalen's 30th birthday gathering

Happy 30th Brithday Kalen!!!!! He got lots of great gifts. I can't believe how old he is. He reminds me that I"m not that far behind.

He loves the Seahawks, so I got him this sweatshirt. He LOVES IT!!!!!!

Our Seattle SEAHAWKS cheerleader.....Thanks to grandma and grandpa Bjurstrom

Brianna reading Daddy's card or at least trying too...........

Dylan crashed on NEW YEArs EVE. He didn't make it.

She didn't make it either...... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Lori made Dylan and Brianna awesome stockings for Christmas. They are fabulous!!!!!!!

Brianna loved her snowman stocking.

Brotherly LOVE.........................

Making Christmas cookies at Grandma's house with Mommy. She loves cooking.

She insisted on using the mixer.

I thought this was a precious picture. She loved sitting at Great Grandma's little table and chairs

Brianna got a camera and absolutely loves it. She stills walks around the house telling everyone to say cheese.

Our Family picture that went out in our Christmas cards. If you read this and didn't get one that means I don't have your address. Please email me your info so you will be on the 2008 list.

Brianna starting gymnastics back in July and absolutely loves it. She loves jumping, climbing, rolling. It's her and my special time together. We go once a week.

I see you...

She loves to hang on the bar. She's our gymnast.

Getting her haircut, by her personal hairstylist, Grandpa

Hamming it up

Just being silly

Grandma and the Family Christmas tree

Brianna and Grandpa. Who doesn't love piggyback rides?
Grandpa, Kalen and Brian (a coworker of Kalen's) helped scraped the popcorn ceiling off in the family room. My dad and I did the rest of the house. Man is it a lot of work. And it makes a mess.

Kalen being safe

Dylan chilling at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Kalen spoils Brianna with chocolate milshakes. She loves them. That might even be an understatement.

The master bathroom torn apart back in December

the hall bathroom

our bedroom. My closet and wall that the tv is in front of, for those of you that have been in my room

My lovely kitchen. You could see through the whole house while standing in the kitchen.

Would you want to live here?????????? My kitchen.

Attack of Brianna and sticky notes...... What a way to wake up

Boy, is she curious. We couldn't stop laughing when she walked out of grandma's office

Stephanie and I after the Run to Feed the Hungry race. She did the 5k and I did the 10k.

Before the race. It was cold............... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

This is what my house looked like on November first when we pulled out the stoved and touched the wall. It crumbled away.

The pipes that caused all the problems...........


  1. Holy Cow! What an update. I'm impressed with all those pictures. Cute ones too. of course I still read your blog, i just forgot to put it back on my list when I redid my blog and lost all those lists. you still come up on my rss reader when something new is posted.

  2. Love the pics. Glad to see an update. Hope things are better with this current leak.

  3. Wow. I did it. I made it all the way through, LOL.

    Great pics.

    Your hair color is fabulous.

    Your family is so adorable.

    And...I am going to try the Run To Feed The Hungry this year. Not quite a marathon, but a definite start.

  4. I have to add that I love the pic of Dylan with the money and the one of him and Brianna with eachother on the recliner that is so sweet. They both have grown so much since your last post.

  5. Hey Fran,
    Life is good! Thanks for the congrats. I hope your house is back to normal soon. You have an adorable family! : )


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