Monday, February 18, 2013

Random thought

I saw this quote today and LOVE it!

It made me think about how it goes along with my "word" for the year. I know I am trying to be better at being myself. It's hard. I know I find myself comparing myself to other moms and friends I know. Maybe even some I don't know. I know that I shouldn't do it, but it's so hard. I find myself comparing weight, clothes, hair, overall appearance, parenting skills, and many many more things. I know I shouldn't be I do.

So I'm curious what do you find yourself comparing? Or are you lucky enough that you don't. If you don't find yourself comparing yourself to others, how did you master that? I'd seriously like to stop. I know comparing myself to others, stems from my insecurities.

What are your thoughts?


  1. Hey Francesca! My computer won't let me use your email me button so I will just let you know about the amazon ads here if thats ok :) What I did was I went to there you can sign up for free, just fill out the info and you will have to verify your email. From there you can set up your widgets or banners, ect. You can also choose which topics or products you want to be advertised on your blog. I'm not an expert though, I'm just getting started also! :) As for the referral, I'm not sure how that works but my tracking id is 'jessiejoathom-20'. Hope this works for you, if you have any questions let me know! :) Can you tell me more about swag bucks? thanks!

    1. Thanks for the info!

      Swagbucks is AWESOME! It's a search engine site (like Google) except you will earn swagbucks. You then redeem them in the swag store for gift cards and other items. I ALWAYS redeem them for an Amazon gift card. It's super easy and FREE :) You can sign up through the widget on my blog!

  2. I written a couple of blog posts on this subject: and

    I think that time and experience are the best teachers of learning not to compare/judge. We each have our challenges, and trials, and we each have times in our lives that are easier than other times. We each also have our limits. We tend to judge the strengths of others against our weaknesses, which just isn't fair.

    I'm probably not saying anything you haven't already heard; I guess I would just add that you are probably doing better than you think you are; be patient with yourself. We are all works in progress!

  3. So...because I love you and your blog I wanted to give you an award because you really are inspiring! Check out my latest post....


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