Friday, February 22, 2013


I've been blogging for a few years, but lately have wanted to branch out and reach other blogs and become part of the blogging world. My daily blog list is long and I might not always get to leave a comment on those pages but I do read them. I read crafty blogs, "Mom" blogs, DIY blogs, grief blogs, funny blogs, you get the idea.

One of my favorite blogs I read is Mom's World. She is an honest mother who shares her fears and triumphs as a Mom. She has a GREAT sense of humor too. If you like following blogs, this is definitely one to check out.

I was SHOCKED today when I was given an award on her blog today. I am honored to receive it. It's my first award. I don't consider myself too inspiring and am really touched to received such an award.  
I am REALLY, REALLY excited to receive this award. Thank You Darla!!!!

Now here are 7 Random Facts about me:
  1. I love to play video games. If the game requires me to "collect" something, i.e. coins, stars, etc., I seriously have to collect them all.
  2. I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but if it is Reese's Peanut butter cups or a 3 Musketeers, I doomed.
  3. I got 2 tickets in one day - 1 red light ticket & a speeding ticket. I laughed when I got the speeding ticket. It was a HORRIBLE Friday the 13th.
  4. I'm a "master" coupon queen (as my family members call me)
  5. I like watching "Good Luck Charlie" & "Jessie" on the Disney Channel with Brianna.
  6. I went to the last Playoff game that featured Malone & Stockton (Utah Jazz) against the i Sacramento KINGS.
  7. If something has strawberries in it, I'm guaranteed to eat it. Strawberries are my favorite fruit.
Here are a few blogs that inspire me - they make me laugh, cry, think and inspire me. I hope you will check them out.

I'm suppose to say if you "accept" this award that you will need to do a post listing 7 random facts about yourself and then pick the blogs you follow that inspire you. Since I'm just "branching out" in the blogging world I still need to find more blogs that I could give this award to. Most of the blogs I follow have stopped posting frequently. There are many that I have enjoyed reading in the past. I'm not sure if all of these blogs even know I exist but they make a difference in my life.

Thanks again for giving me this award Darla!


  1. I know you exist, and I'm honored you consider my blog inspirational! I hope to have an "acceptance" post up within the week. Thanks!

  2. Congrats on your award and very well deserved. New follower here.. thanks for stopping my Bad Word Mama. :)


  3. I could eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup every day for the rest of my life and never grow tired of them. Yummy!

    Congratulations on your award! Now go pick out a gown and hit the red carpet!

  4. Congratulations Francesca!! I love catching up with you via your blog!. It IS inspiring! It helps me to feel like I'm not the only one crying at the end (or sometimes the middle) of the day because I feel like my kids are driving me straight to crazy town...or simply because I feel bummed!


I love to read your comments! I will to respond to them quickly as possible. Leave your blog address so I can follow back:)


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