Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Twlight Movie

Sorry for those of you that aren't reading the book and have no clue what I am talking about. I checked out the trailer for the movie. I totally want to go see it. I know it comes how in December but whose up for a group movie night? I highly doubt that Kalen will want to go with me to see the movie. So if anyone that lives close and wants to do a group movie night let me know. I wish I had one of those countdown things that says how many days to the movie's release. Here's the link to the movie's main website if you want to check it out: http://www.twilightthemovie.com/

I'm pretty impressed with the actors. They really seem to fit the characters parts. Hopefully the movie is good and it truly follows the book. I can't seem to find who plays Jacob's friends. Does anyone know if this movie is just based on the first book?


  1. if you go to imdb.com you can find out all sorts of info on the actors of the movie. I practically LIVE on that site. I love Internet Movie Database!

  2. I plan to go or i guess i should say i want to go. I am way excited so count me in. Hey did you want to go to Time out for women? I thought it would be fun to get a group of people together to go. If we have a group of five or more we get a discount. I went one year and really enjoyed it.
    let me know what you think

  3. I think our whole ward will be going. We had a book group on the series, we were all addicted. I'll let you know when we'll go!!

  4. I'm in for a movie...I think by then I'll have read the book. I'm only number 80 on the hold list now. Yes!! :)


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