Thursday, July 31, 2008

I've been tagged...have you????

I was tagged on a friend's blog (Carren). Here's how it works: For each question, look up the answer on Google image search. Then choose your favorite image from the FIRST PAGE OF RESULTS ONLY. I've tagged five people below...and I'll be watching for your posts!

name (Francesca Bjurstrom, otherwise just Francesca had half naked ladies)

favorite food (anything Italian)

first job (newspaper carrier)

nickname (Fran, only because Brian and Lori still call me that)

where i was born (Sacramento)

bad habit (nail biting)

college degree (child development)

where i want to go (italy)

favorite place (family room)

favorite color (yellow)

favorite animal (easy to care for)

past love (Yeah, right - why would I post that?)

what i'm doing right now (trying to get a million things done, but instead I'm blogging)

where i live:
Somewhere in CA

favorite object (my DVR......)

grandma's name (Lucienne)

age (I think you can figure that out)

I tag: Nicole, Coo, Emily, Stacy, Stacie, Lisa, Paloma, and anyone else that wants to do this:)

1 comment:

  1. YIPPEE! I am so glad that you posted it!! I took my down (you saw it in the 10 minutes I had it up!) because I was planning on posting it later, but I'll get it up again soon. And don't worry - I don't hate you for the email! :)


I love to read your comments! I will to respond to them quickly as possible. Leave your blog address so I can follow back:)


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