Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I have news.....yeah:)

Dylan lost his first tooth on Tuesday, July 29th. We can't believe what a big boy he is getting to be. He wasn't happy at all as you can tell from the pic. I guess the tooth fairy needs to come........... How many of you have saved your child's tooth or teeth????


  1. This is a huge deal!!!! We saved Caleb's two teeth in his baby book. Someday I hope to have his whole set saved there!


  2. One day I was searching in my Mom's room for something. I found a drawer full of teeth. Grossssssss. I don't know if she still has them now, but for me (who saves everything) will be throwing them away.

    But to each their own!!

  3. Oh, he is a little younger than Gabe when he started losing teeth. I just love the look on his face, like what in the heck is going on here. I bet it feels weird to him to not have a tooth. And those big crocodile tears. We save teeth, I will probably throw them away eventually but for now I am saving them. I hate the fact that my boys are growing up.


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