Saturday, July 26, 2008

Longest Post ever................

Alright, I'm going for the longest post ever. I wonder if there is an award or record for that. Here are some of our July pics.

Brianna just chilling in her pool. She loves the water and enjoys swimming. It's hard to tell her no, when she looks so dang cute in the pool.

Can someone say "Cheeeeeeeeeeeesssssssseeeeee?

We LOVE to go swimming at Grandpa and Grandma Faulconer's house. Brianna has started calling them Grandma & Grandpa Cherie. It funny! It's nice that they are right next door so we can see them and use their pool lots during the summer.

Here's my water baby...................

This is Dylan on the way up to Washington. He was pretty tired but never fell asleep. We stopped at Shasta Lake to stretch, potty breaks, and just get out of the car..........

We got Brianna a DVD player for the car and she LOVED watching movies. It was definitely a great investment for travel.

Me and Brianna. She was pretty excited to get back into the car and do what...................... watch movies. She could have cared less about being outside of the car.

Dylan enjoyed stopping so he could roll around in the grass for a little bit...... He had the sun blaring down on his side of the car. I felt so bad. Good thing for air conditioners.

Our driver on the way up. Kalen drove a lot that day. He worked a half day and had to drive for 3 hours with that and then jump in the car when he got home and drove to Oregon. What a trooper:)!!!!!

Brianna didn't want her pic taken. This was after we had to stop and clean her up since she barfed in the car. I forgot to bring another carseat cover so she had to sit on a towel. She wasn't too thrilled about that.

We made it to Rice Hill, Oregon in about 7 hours. Not bad considering we've never driven that far with the kids. Plus with Brianna's throw up incident it went pretty well. We got up early the next morning and finished up our drive. We made it in one piece.

The kids got to sleep on air mattresses. They loved it. Brianna loved laying on Dylan's bed in the front room with Lucy. Grandma and Grandpa Bjurstrom, have two cats... Lucy and Willy. Brianna loved following them around and "playing" with them. Willy is NOT a fan of Brianna and would hide whenever she was around.

Happy 4th of July.......NOT. Brianna hated being outside with the fireworks. I can't believe how scared she was. So we took her inside and she watched from the living room window. I was amazed at how many fireworks were in the sky. In California, you have to go to a show to see them in the sky, but everyone was shooting them in the sky. It was like our own little firework show. It was awesome!!!!!!

Look at that tear running down her face. She hates the 4th of July!!!!

Some pics of when we went to Bob and Gloria's home...................

Dylan loved sitting with Grandpa................

Kalen's mom, Vicki, cooked for us while we were there. She was a great cook! I even learned how to make fried rice. But when I made it this past week, it didn't turn out that good!!!!! That's what happens when I don't have an actual recipe.

Our future soccer player. She loved running around in the backyard and kicking the ball.

Action shots!!!!

Hanging out with Grandma Bjurstrom before we went home.

Brianna enjoying her crown from Burger King on the way home. She was happy to be going home. I don't think she got the idea that we wouldn't see Grandma and Grandpa Bjurstrom for awhile.

Crazy Dylan...........

I think I have pretty adorable kids:)


  1. Do you always carry extra car seat covers? You make me feel so inadequate :)

  2. Looks like your family had tons of fun. You do have pretty darn cute kids.

  3. I don't know... sometimes all your posts are pretty long and Dylan's birthday I think tops this one. I always wonder how you get so many pictures on there. I only know how to do five.

  4. your kids are adorable!

    and i love all your posts! ;)


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