Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

Good morning sunshine:)!!!! Brianna insisted on waking daddy up to give him his Father's Day gifts! Then she kept wanting to take his cards. She's silly! We love Daddy (Kalen). He does lots of our family. Some days he works really long hours. He protects us and takes care of our family. He takes Brianna to the park, helps a ton with Dylan, and is just fun to be around. I really appreciate all you do for us Kalen!!!(in case he ever reads our blog)

Father's Day evening we gathered at Brian & Lori's for dinner. Aren't fathers great! I just wanted to post how great my dad is. He is always there to help us, has advice for everything (sometimes I didn't event know he knew I was thinking about something), is fun, and plays with the kids. We love him lots. Thanks for all you do Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I don't know if you remember me from Shirt Tails days or not. I just spent a long time looking at your blog and I kind of understand. My older daughter is 8 and she has a language issue. I remember how frustrated I was when she was 3 and barely starting to talk. I was so worried. Sometimes, when I would get really worried I had a hard time dealing with her. I just wanted everything to be okay so bad and for her to have a happy life that I would get angry with her. *sigh* It has been a big life lesson for me. I think back to just over a year ago when I had some testing done. Usually, I am right there trying to make sure everything goes smoothly but I was hoping that if they saw the real situation my daughter would get more services. Turns out if there is not a significant difference between your ability to learn and what you have learned you don't qualify for special ed. According to their testing my little girl had "exceeded her potential". What?! Does that make sense? I got really depressed after that. Anyway, I can't imagine she won't be just fine. The testing was just all messed up. She's going into 2nd grade next year and is becoming a more fluent reader and everything. She does get two hours a week of speech therapy and qualifies for other therapy that we turned down. Sorry for rambling, I just understand how big of a deal this is. My daughter takes horseback riding lessons here(we live in a small town) and it has helped her self esteem tremendosly. I even have my friend who gives the lessons interested in hippotherapy(she wants to become certified in it). I think your awesome for what you do. I am glad that you were able to get away. I love your blog too and seeing pictures of your dad(I have fond memories of him from soccer). Venisa(Bongioanni)McAllister


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