Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dreamnight at the Zoo

Last night (Friday), the Sacramento Zoo closed their doors to the general public and opened them for children that live with chronic illnesses or disabilities, and their families for free. It was such an awesome event. It was so nice to be able to walk around the zoo not feeling out of place. Their were kids on oxygen, with feeding tubes going, wheelchairs, walkers, and a ton of other things. It was such a nice change.

We've wanted to go the past few years, but something has always come up. It was great to see so many mom's from the mom's group I go to. I actually got to meet their child(ren) that we talk about.

There was a nice breeze last night and Dylan was really enjoying it. It's hard to see the animals due to his visual impairment, but since his hearing is so good, he really likes to listen to all the sounds. Brianna had a blast too.

We are definitely going next year. It was such a pleasant change to feel like we actually fit in somewhere.

There was a lot of activities going on last night at the zoo. We got 2 tote bags to carry all the stuff we got. Both the kids got "zoo keys" that we got to keep and use on future visits. Brianna really kept an eye out for the stands that her key could go in. She wasn't too interested in listening to what the machine was saying, but really liked the fact she was able to put her key somewhere.

It was a wonderful event. We are so thankful that The Sacramento Zoo donates 1 night a year so children of all ages can participate at the Zoo despite whatever challenge(s) they are fighting. I'm so glad the Zoo web keeper, Lauren, found our blog and invited us to the event. I would have completely forgotten about the event if I hadn't been reminded:) Thanks Lauren!


  1. We are going to go next year for sure. So glad you had a great time.

  2. Brian and Lori were telling us about this, I'm soo happy it was a great trip!! Hearing all those animals was probably a great experience for Dylan. How fun!

  3. glad you had a great time. Hopefully we will be able to go one of these days....that week is always busy for us with graduations and b-days.

  4. That's awesome! I have always loved events like this! What a wonderful way to start the summer!


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