Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One of those days......

I seriously want to pull out my hair!! It's been one of those days. My kids are testing my patience beyond my limits. Being a mom is hard today! Trying to get stuff accomplished has been a nightmare. Isabella has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming. At first I thought it was teething or a possible ear infection, now I think she just wants my company. After an hour and a half of her half crying and screaming she finally went back to sleep. Of course I had to wake her up to take Brianna to school, so she's been off schedule ALL day.

So I'm crossing my fingers I will have enough patience to deal with the fighting, whining and crankiness. I'm also hoping for at least 7 straight hours of restful sleep. Hopefully it won't just be wishful thinking:)

My parents left last Friday for their mission....18 months seems so long. We hope to be able to visit them next summer for a few days. It's been the hardest on Brianna. She misses them. I'm grateful for FaceTime. It's so nice to see them and hear their voices.

I'm hoping I can have enough patience till Kalen gets home. Otherwise my sweet children will be spending the rest of the afternoon in their rooms..

Please tell me I'm not the only mom that isn't a HUGE fan of late afternoon/early evening.....


  1. They call it the witching hour for a reason, my friend!! Hang in there!!

  2. Holy cow, so my life right now Francesca!! I swear, I finally got Jared to sleep through the night...and now I'm getting LESS sleep than when he was a newborn. NOT because of him, but MY TWO BIG BOYS!!!! GRRRRRRRRR!!!! And I am NOT a pretty sight or nice mom in the middle of the night. Hope the day turned out for you to be bearable. I swear, I blame an addictions I might acquire to Diet Coke on my children :-)

  3. I'm in the same boat! 4-7pm are what I call "the witching hours" in my house!


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