Monday, September 8, 2008

A True Friend

So I've been pondering a lot lately. I have been thinking about the post I did a few months ago, about me being in a funk. I hope I didn't offend or make anyone feel sad or mad. that wasn't the intent of my post. So with that I have been pondering what a "true friend" means to me...... in no particular order.

A true friend........

1. will play the devil's advocate to help figure out problems
2. will wake up early to go on a run
3. will call just to see how I'm doing
4. will call to share how they are doing
5. will stop by just to see how the kids are doing
6. invites me to things (which I will most likely not go or will take forever to get back to)
7. tolerates my ramblings
8. shares their trials, feelings, and beliefs with me
9. calls to see what's the latest with Dylan & Brianna
10. gives you an honest answer, even when you don't want to hear it
11. comes to my kid's events
12. will stand by my side, even when I'm wrong
13. will be my shoulder to let me cry on
14. will listen to all my frustrations and not think I'm crazy (or at least not tell me they think it)
15. will love me through the good, bad, and the ugly
16. won't judge me
17. will call and ask for me to watch their kid(s)
18. not assuming I can't do things because of Dylan's "situation"

I know I can list a bunch more, but am curious what else can be added.....

i want to thank all my friends, whether we talk on a daily basis or not, I am truly blessed for the friendships I have. I will cherish them always and hope that we will always be in touch no matter where our lives take us or what is thrown at us!


  1. Hey Francesca, It's good to see you blogging again. You can add someone who you know you can call at the last minute and will say 'no problem, bring your child over. I only have a million things going on today, but I'd be happy to watch your little one too. Thanks for trusting me!' I'm glad Emma had a good time today. Thanks again!

  2. Hey Francesca! Of course I remember you :) I'm glad you found my blog! The last time I saw you was at a soccer game I think? And you just had one kid, and I didn't have any! I can't remember how long ago that was? Looks like you are kept pretty busy. I'm pretty busy too with my little one and I take care of Chaundra's little girl, who isn't so little anymore, she'll be turning 6 in a couple of weeks, and I'm working part time. How's Brian, what is he up to?

  3. A True friend is someone you can hang out with without having showered or put on any makeup and neither one of you care. Love ya, Fran:)

  4. A true friend is someone who will let you vent about all the special stuff and everything else. I am glad we have each other to talk to when times are tough and any other time.

  5. Hey, I'm your friend wannabe!

    I love your list too. You've got me pondering and I'm making a similar list. But remember we all have to be willing to be that same kind of friend to our friends too. And we have to allow ourselves to open up and let in new friendships into our realm as well.

    Because of Amy's situation and these past couple of years which have been tough, I've neglected myself and the reaching help of others. I thought I could handle it all by myself. I feel terrible for all the unanswered phone calls, and letters, and because of it I now realize I'm more lonely than a gal should be. My old friends are now more distant then ever. And the potential new friends, just don't seem as present anymore. We are mothers and wives. Yes. But we need to remember to pamper ourselves and have girl time with girlfriends too.

    Kay, I'm starting to get carried away. Nuff said about that.

    But I'm glad you treasure the friends you do have to your very best.


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