Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dylan's seizure activity

So this is what Dylan has been doing lately. We are suspecting that it is the new way his seizures show themselves. I wish I had video of about 5 minutes before this. He was totally focused on playing with the drums and activating his toys when asked. Then the following happened....we believe that he is having seizures. We have all been on edge. This is the time of year that he has normally been hospitalized for prolonged seizures. Think good thoughts for him and us.


  1. Yikes! We will be thinking of you & if you need anything, please let me know.

  2. I don't know how you do it Fran. Mom's just want to fix everything for their babies and you can't. You, Dylan, and the family will be in my prayers. If you are ever in a tight pinch for babysitting I am usually available during the day. Your children may run away screaming since they have no idea who I am, but Nolan makes friends fast and I'm sure they will like him!

  3. Those movements are pretty rhythmic and it seems like he wants to respond but can't. I think you can pretty much trust your gut feelings on this, which sucks. I hope it is not seizures or that they do not end up sending you guys to the hospital. I can now totally relate to the wondering if these movements or weird behaviors are seizures, it totally sucks. Let me know if you need anything or if you just need to talk. I am going to video Evan while he is trying to fall asleep because he is doing weird stuff. I will say a prayer and think good thought. Can you send the video to his neuro to get her opinion?


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