Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Saturday to remember........

Yesterday (Saturday), I was able to attend a Women's Conference with my friends Lisa, and Coo (just so you know her real name is Carolyn).

I had to get up extra early so I could get ready and go to this conference. It was totally worth it. There were great speakers there and it was nice to have a Saturday to be inspired and to take a break. Kalen watched the kids without complaining and even switched a door around for me, while I was gone.
Not only was the conference great, but being able to spend time with my friend, Lisa to. I got to know her a little better, and bounce a ton of things I've been struggling with off of her for some ideas. She was a great help! Thanks Lisa for inviting me to go with you and sorry it took me so long to get back to you about going!!!!!


  1. I was there too. I loved it. I'm sure it was just what you needed as it was just what I needed. I would have love to have met up with you. I'm always drawn to the music at events like that and I just loved Kenneth Cope. Here's to a joyful time being mothers. :)

  2. I've never been. Sounds like those who went thoroughly enjoyed it! :0)


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