Monday, September 15, 2008

Thanks Lisa!!!

I meant to post this in one last week but forgot, or got distracted. If you know me, you know how many things I have going on in my life at any given moment.... I thought it would be nice to start posting about my friends, whether we are super close or not, just to let the blogging world and my friends now how much they mean to me, so with that let me start with Lisa Young Fisher. here's a pic if you don't know her and her husband Brent:

So why did I choose Lisa, well let me tell you...... I've known of Lisa for a long time. We had boyfriends that played on the same football team in high school and I knew her from church. I have thought for the longest time that she didn't like me all these years, but it turned out I was wrong. After my senior prom, we did a group thing afterwards. We thought we (the girls) were so cool. We had planned to prepare the boys breakfast, but first drive them around blindfolded so they wouldn't know where we were going. We were going right back to where we came from and the guys figured it out blindfolded. anyhow....on with the story. My friend Brent, who I've known since 3rd grade started dating Lisa after he came back from his mission. They were married 2 months before Kalen and I. We hung out once after we were married but then life happened and they moved to Stockton so Brent could go to PT school. so anyhow...Lisa had a huge medical problem when she was pregnant with her first born and they moved back here.(i might have the time frame a little out of order, it's been awhile) So they moved back here and she recovered well and after awhile our friendship has taken off from there. I was so happy when she wanted me and Brianna to join her daughter's gymnastics class last year. It was lots of fun. Well Lisa and Brent moved a little ways a way at the end of last year, but we've remained in close contact. So here's my reasons why I cherish Lisa:

1. She'll tell me the truth...whatever the reason is
2. she invites me to things and tries to include me
3. Realized that her house isn't Dylan friendly but still wants to get together
4. Encouraged me, or should I say started the friendly competition on finishing the last book of the series we were reading. I finished first by a few hours:)........ Did you even know it was a competition Lisa:)
5. Ran with me a few times
6. Scrapbooked together (we need to do that again by the way)
7. wants to be a domestic diva
8. inspires me to want to be a domestic diva
9. has inspired me to put myself out there
10. a million more reasons, but I don't want embarrass her anymore:)

check back next week for the next spotlight......


  1. I love Lisa too! it's good to have good friends.

  2. Lisa sounds like a good friend to have. We were in the same ward for a while, but I didn't get the chance to get to know her. I'm glad you have such a good friend. P.S. I like the new look of your blog!

  3. Glad you found us. At first we came up with a clever blog title, but then realized that no one would know it was us. I've been reading yours from a link on Christine's. But now I've figured out how to put a list on mine so we're good to go!

  4. Oh, Franny!! Now that you've established that I've known you long enough to call you that, I will:)
    First and foremost, I love the new background and I wish you had a better picture.
    1. I only tell you the truth out of love.
    2. I like hanging out with you.
    3. I try to be sensitive.
    4. I never realized it was a competition or I would have tried harder and left you in the dust.
    5. I need to run again... lacking motivation and my clothes are getting tighter... Wait. there's my motivation. Wish you lived closer.
    6. I don't know if you realize it, but when we scraped together that is when our friendship blossomed. Don't forget I bid on you and won at that auction in relief society.
    7. I desperately want to be a domestic diva... but I've lost focus.
    8. We shall both obtain our goal someday.
    9. You only live once, make the most of it.
    10. Oh, please do tell more:) j/k. I am honored you chose me.
    We need to do lunch still and who the heck is small and simple? Do I love them back?
    Love you, Francesca.

  5. Thanks Lisa!!!! Small and simple is aka Stacie.... so yes you love her:)I'll call you about lunch.....

  6. Wow, what a sweet post!!! And a great idea!

  7. How sweet! Close friends, are the greatest! Sounds like you have many friends you can count on...

  8. p.s. Both Paul and I recognize the Fishers from Stockton! :0) Its a small world after all!


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