Sunday, September 7, 2008


So I did it!!!! I finally was able to run somewhat of a consist basis last week. Two times I ran with my friend Stacie...... and the others by myself. It felt great!!!! Let's see how great it feels in the morning at 7am..... I am going to get my pre-baby body back!!!! It's my present to myself before my 30th birthday in June of next year. Think good thoughts!!!! I know I will be..


  1. All you have to do is get addicted. Addicted to the new energy, to feeling healthy, feeling good about yourself, it will make it so much easier to get up every morning to treat yourself!!

    And you're right. It's one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Being healthy (for your family also) and enjoying who you are!!

    Have fun!

  2. My goal is to get back to my pbb (prebabybody) by next july when I go to a family reunion. Good Luck to you.

  3. My goal is to get to how I was freshman or sophmore year of highschool. So yah, screw my prebaby body (although lets face it...if I got there I would be ecstatic!) lol. I can't wait until Biggest Loser-Families come on next week. I always feel more like going to the gym during the season that show is on :)

  4. Hey! great for you!! That's how I did it. 2 miles 3x a week to start with and it just keeps going from there. It feels so good to have an outlet, and know that it helps you look good too ;')

  5. Keep it up! Keep it up! This is the first time a morning jog sounds so refreshing to me! Wish I could join 'ya! But until then, go kick some booty!


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