Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013...Hello 2014

Can it REALLY be New Year's Eve Day? I mean seriously where has the year gone. I know we hear that from at last a few people, BUT I seriously mean that. Maybe it has something with me being pregnant for most of the year and then for the last month plus I've been in a newborn fog.

I look forward to what the next year brings. I'm hoping and praying for lots happiness and joy for my family. I am so grateful for the blessings that we have in our life. I'm grateful for our newest addition (even if it means a lack of sleep). I am REALLY, REALLY looking forward to the big changes that will be happening (hopefully) for our family in 2014.

I'm thinking back to the post I did back in January about my goal of being "better". Has it really almost been a year since I wrote that post????  I'm not sure I achieved it in every area that I had planned but in some areas I feel like I succeed. With life, I've learned that all you can do is to keep trying. You might fail, but if you keep at it you most likely will succeed.

So here are the goals I planned to focus on for the last almost 12 months. I still have a LONG ways to go but I feel like I've learned to be "better". There is still lots of growth I need to do with all of these things.

1.  Can I be more patient when Kalen gets home later than planned? 
2. Can I be better at noticing others in need? 
3. Can I be better in acting on my observation and helping someone out? 
4. I can be better at helping Brianna with her homework? 
5. Can I be better at spending time with Isabella during the day? 
6. Can I be better at reading my scriptures? 
7. Can I have more meaningful prayers? 

I've decided that my word/theme for 2014 is "Confidence". I lack this trait, believe it or not. I've heard it from so many people that I seem so confident with everything and that I'm intimidating. I might be confident with some things but am lacking it A LOT in my life. Seriously, I can't be intimidating! That always seems to make me laugh. If people only knew how insecure I am.

Ever since Dylan died, I've found myself questioning EVERYTHING, even simple silly things. That's where grief attacks me. It makes me question myself and my ability to do or act on things. So with the new year, I will work on having confidence in myself that I can do things. I hope to have confidence that my desire for starting to teach beginning piano lessons will be successful, that I can be confident as I make simple choices throughout my day and not over think everything. I hope that I can be confident with my appearance. I hope to be confident in my beliefs and being willing to share them with others. I hope to be confident as a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. 

So here's to a great year of learning and growing! What are you hoping to accomplish in the New Year? Tell me here or on Facebook:)


  1. I love how real you are! My theme is, "Let it go!" Stop dwelling on what has happened to me and the extra weight I have been carrying and let it go. Get on with life- move forward from my health challenges that have contributed to my weight gain and look forward with faith that the future is bright. I am not going to dwell on what weight I have carried I am going to let it go now and not resent myself anymore.

  2. Oh I love you Beth! That should be my "theme" too:)


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