Thursday, December 19, 2013


I PROMISE this isn't a complaining post. I have to make it fast because I can hear Sophia starting to wake up (I think) and Isabella is spinning around by the Christmas tree. I can just see her crashing into it and it falling over and a bazillion pieces of ornaments all over the floor.

Well I've been care for a newborn for now 3 1/2 weeks. I still feel like I have NO idea what I'm doing. I jokingly posted on my Facebook status back on December 10th, "I can't be the only mom that isn't a "baby whisperer" right?? What is it about newborns that make me feel like I have NO idea what I'm doing? The joys of motherhood:)" I still feel this way. Some people commented that it's just eat, sleep and diaper changes, which seems SO simple, but there is WAY more to it. I actually got both my family room and kitchen floors cleaned yesterday and dishes washed. Yay!!! This is huge with a baby that spits up ALL the time and has reflux and a super busy toddler that is wanting LOTS of attention. I don't blame Isabella. A new baby is A LOT of work.

Isabella is getting 1 on 1 time with me when Sophia is napping, but I worry about Brianna. Both girls are usually awake once she gets home from school. Any suggestions from you moms and or dads out there that have had to deal with this. I don't want Brianna resenting her new sister. As it stands right now her 1 on 1 time with me is when we drive home from school. That's a whole 20 mins. I hope it's enough for the moment.

So my question for today, is how do you moms or dads with multiple children spread out your time for your kids, spouse and everything else that needs to be done around the house??

I saw this 2-hour House Cleaning Checklist on one of the blogs I follow and am going to do this today to see if I can feel like I actually accomplished something. You can find the printable here if you'd like to try it. It's on the blog, Money Saving Mom -

21 Days to a Simple Christmas: Day 17. 

Here's the link of the printable if you'd like to join me.

Hope you have a great Thursday! And if you happen to remember to do an act of service, PLEASE PLEASE send me what you did. Dylan's stocking has only 2 acts in it:(

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