Sunday, May 8, 2011


Due to it being Mother's Day today this topic is on my mind. I remember when I found out I was going to be a mom. Its was Thanksgiving 2002. Kalen and I had only been married for 3 1/2 months. Little did I know what being a mom meant. Having a baby seemed so great. I mean they are so small and cute. Little did I know all the lessons I would learn. The following are just some of the lessons Motherhood has brought to my life.

When Dylan was born I learned patience, that babies can be 10 pounds when they are born, how to be an advocate, medical info, how to appreciate the small things in life, that I can function on an average of 4 hours of sleep a night for years and how to love unconditionally.

When Brianna was born, I learned what it was like not to have a team of doctors for my baby, what all those around me had experienced having a "typical" baby, a sense of calmness, strength, that a white noise machine was a fabulous creation, and a greater sense of love.

Now that Isabella has been born I've learned that I can love more than I thought my heart would allow, what peace can truly feel like (at times), my Heavenly Father's love for me, that it is possible that you can change at least 4 diapers in 30 mins and that I'm needed for one more precious soul. Also I can survive on less sleep than I ever thought possible. (not too well though)

I'm grateful for the blessing of being a mom. I love my three kids so much. They each have touched my life in ways I never thought possible. Although I'm exhausted physically and mentally right now due to lack of sleep, hormone imbalance, doubt, frustration, and anxiety I wouldn't change being a mom to my three kids. I know that they were chosen for me and that I have so much to learn from all three of them in the years to come.

Today is a very bittersweet day for me. I was able to hug and love on two of my kids. I can't wait for the day that I can to that with all three.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. You are a wonderful mother and will someday have that joyous reunion with all your children. Hang in there during this difficult time. Sleep deprivation makes everything so much harder. I am trying to enjoy every minute of sleep that I can before baby #2 comes.


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