Saturday, October 30, 2010

How old is too old

So tonight we went to a trunk or treat. It was crazy. I was amazed at how many teenagers, newborns and adults that were participating trying to get candy. So I pose this question to you, how old is to old to trick or treat and how young is too young? I mean really an infant who can't even eat solids isn't going to be eating candy. I also couldn't believe how rude some of the kids were. Man things have changed since I last went trick or treating. I never would have said to the person handing out the candy, I don't like that kind of candy I want something else. Really??? What are or should I say aren't the parents teaching their kids. This is my rant for the day!!!


  1. I totally agree. There were teenagers running around from car to car pushing past all the little ones to go a second and third time around. That said...what's with the people in creepy cars telling little kids they won't give them candy if they don't touch the scary witch, reach in the bag, or look at scary spider? Seriously people? My kid is three and I would love to get some sleep tonight! Please don't purposely freak him out for your own cheap thrill! Rant over! Hugs to you and your family!

  2. We just finally closed are trunk and said we were out of candy. The kids were doing three or four laps. lol.


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