Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First Day....better late than never

Here is B on the first day of school. She was so excited to be finally starting kindergarten. Kalen and I both took her to her first day of school. We LOVE to teacher and school. She knew one girl in her class before school started so that made the first day go more smoothly. She is sill worried that she will be alone at school. Her teacher thinks she means that she misses her brother.........

Overall she has adjusted well. She was student of the month for September. The theme was being prepared. I told her teacher we try. She said that B is always ready to learn, listens intently, takes initiative, and a few other things that I can't remember. We are so proud of Brianna. We love you!!!!!


  1. I was inspired by you and have now posted MaryEllen's first day of school also. So what if they've been in school a month, right?

  2. Hey, this is Diana from the Angel blog. That's great that your daughter is doing so well in school, especially with everything your family is going through. I read Dylan's story, and I was somewhat surprised by how much we have in common. I too have been married for 8 years, and my son, Caydin, was born at the beginning of 2003. He did not have any special health needs, but he choked on bacon, and so the whole CPR, ambulance, brain scans, lack of brain activity, etc. was only all too familar. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. It has been 5 years since Caydin passed away, and I'm very grateful that life has become easier for me. The pain is not as intense, and I am more at peace with my "new normal". But, I did not get here overnight. It has taken me 5 years to feel how I do now. It is a gradual process, and will come one slow, sometimes painful, step at a time.

    Anyway, I just wanted you to know that someone is thinking of you right now, and wishing you weren't hurting, and trying to figure out how to live without your sweet son while trying to be strong and brave and a source of comfort for your sweet daughter and husband, who are hurting as well! I'm so sorry! I hope knowing you aren't alone somehow makes it even just a teeny bit easier!


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