Thursday, August 19, 2010


Today has been one of those days where most everything is hard, annoying or seem to be just plain dumb.

Brianna has been super needy today. Brianna had tons of meltdowns. I just wanted to get in the car and drive somewhere. Anywhere would have worked. Part of me can't wait for school to start but then the other part is terrified. It is so draining entertaining her all day.

The highlights of my day were Kalen returning from being out of town and a long time friend coming for a visit. Of course Brianna needed to say something or needed something every 5 secs.

I know I sound like the worst mom right now. I have no energy. Grieving takes so much out of me. I have simple goals that I like to get done on a daily basis. I'm having a hard time just doing 1 thing out of like 3. It's so hard. I hate being this disorganized, confused, forgetful, emotional, frustrated, and a bunch of other emotions at any given time. This was not the me I knew almost 3 months ago. I really don't like this new me.

Dylan's death is becoming more final and I hate it. I hate not seeing him in his bed. I hate not holding him. I hate not making him laugh. I hate so many things about him not being here. I still think by some miracle he'll be in his room. I know that there is no logical thinking at all to this. Oh I wish he was here.

Life was so easy 3 months ago. Although it was difficult raising Dylan at times, it was also wonderful. Someone is missing from our family right now. Sometimes I truly feel like I am losing my mind. I also have moments where I feel like I can't breathe because I can't take anymore. It doesn't help that I'm normally crying when I feel that way.

I may seem put together but believe me when I say that I'm a mess.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hi Francesca, I wrote you an email a few weeks back with regards to something you posted on the "angel mom" blog. Anyway, I saw this post and had to write again. I have a post on my blog that maybe helpful to you. I had a day similar to yours, only with a moment of insight. You can find it under December '09 - "A child's grief" if you would like to read it.
    You are not a bad mom - all of us "angel mom's" have these same feelings, moments, days, frustrations, etc. You are not alone. I will say a prayer for you.
    Hugs to you and your family... Melica (Hailey's mom)

  2. It *is* exhausting, isn't it? I'm so sorry you had a rough day. You are not a bad mom, merely a tired mom. I dearly wish my Han were here with us as well. I get it.



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