Saturday, August 7, 2010

Humor me

So one of the random thoughts that just came into my mind was what are my talents. Why the thought came to my mind, I don't know. So I ask you my blog followers what do you see as my talent(s)? Yes, I know this is totally random!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You're an amazing mom and you know how to scapbook. You taught me :)

  2. I think one of your talents is making other people feel important and worthwhile. I always appreciated you looking at me and smiling.

    Another talent I know you have is your compassion for others.

  3. You are a great friend. A talent that is often over looked.
    You have a talent of being a teacher and a mentor to other parents.
    You can run. (it's a talent)

    ps my word says "mad duck in" !

  4. One of my favorite memories of you is your amazing soccer skills. I remember playing soccer against your at the Wissemann Building. I just remember that you were one tough cookie. For reals, I did not like to guard you. No thanks, you would run me over. Of course you have other talents, but that is one of my favorites.

  5. i'm impressed with how organized you are! fyi: we still use the sheets that you made for primary--the primary board list and sunday schedule. they are great!


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