Saturday, August 14, 2010


Today the grief hit hard. Nothing specific triggered my unconsolable crying. I miss Dylan. I miss everything about him. I can't seem to get the thought of him buried out of my head. I hate this!!!! I wish he was here. Life was challenging while he was here but it was easier and I was happy compared to now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. My heart hurts for you. I can only imagine how hard it must be having to re-live the pain of Dylan's death every time you wake up and face the reality that is now your life. I am grateful to know that you have the gospel of Jesus Christ to help you during these trying times, but I know that even with the knowledge that the gospel brings it is still amazingly difficult to cope with the hole that will forever fill your heart until you have the chance to hold Dylan in your arms again and tell him you love him. You are in my prayers. I hope it gets easier. I love you!


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