Sunday, November 2, 2008

sorry mom:)

Against my mom's concerns, worrying that someone is going to come "gets us", Kalen & I have decided to stay a "public" blog, so the world can see what our crazy life is like. Thanks for all the responses we got from our avid readers. I didn't realize how many of you actually read our blog. Some I wasn't even aware about. I'm glad to know that there are readers out there who care about us. I know for us, our blog is to keep track of our memories and to use as a "diary". Enjoy the upcoming craziness and memories:) Remember to get out and VOTE on Tuesday, November 4th!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy ALL your craziness. Also? Your email pretty much made my day!! Thanks!


I love to read your comments! I will to respond to them quickly as possible. Leave your blog address so I can follow back:)


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