Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a few things to catch up on

So a few of you voted on our poll. I thought it was interesting that 66% of those that voted look at blogs and don't leave comments. I'm one of those people sometimes:)

Anyhoo..... So far today I've been able to think clearly. Dylan has been in a SUPER GREAT mood. NO screaming. We changed his feeding tube formula last night per our request to Dylan's GI doctor. I'm so glad that I go to a special needs mom's group. I've learned so much from so many!!! It probably wouldn't have crossed our minds that the formula could be the problem of Dylan's current screaming fits. We still are not completely sure, but I will take peace and quiet so I can THINK, pay bills, blog, talk on the phone, and just sit for the time being.

I want to publicly thank my mom for coming and helping with the kids, the past few days every now and then. I was able to go to the store, take Brianna to school, carry a conversation without criticism and think. MOMS are great!! My mom is the greatest. Having a child with special needs, hasn't only affected our immediate family but has branched out to our extended family as well. I've had to call my mom and dad(can't forget about him too) at the last minute to help us out. My dad has offered on his own to take Brianna to school sometimes. That has saved me(and my back)loading Dylan and his wheelchair 4 times. My dad also will come and just take Brianna to the park or for walks. DADS are fantastic! Plus he'll just go on an outing at the last minute with me when I don't want to go somewhere by myself. Last night we went to Borders so I could stock up on some books. He didn't need anything but he went anyways. How great is that. I am so grateful for my parents. They have helped us so many times and in so many different ways. Kalen & I appreciate all the help they provide our family. We are deeply grateful!!!

With the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving, I am trying to think of things I am thankful for everyday. We have so much to be grateful for. Maybe next week, Kalen & I will do a post for everything we are thankful for. Onto the next post.....


  1. So glad to hear that Dylan is not screaming, and that you can think. I totally agree about the Moms and Dads, we have some great ones for sure.

  2. I'm so glad to hear things are going a little better for you guys. I can't wait until Friday!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, crazy stuff. I'm glad you have such a strong support system. It was nice to read about your parents... and to catch of glimpse of the sweet things they do to help. Also, Paul has mentioned a few times that Kalen must be an "incredible friend of faith, fortitude and fun (just for you personally)!" I think those were the terms he used. :)

    I don't know when Dylan's birthday is but sounds like every spring we should have a big celebration for Dylan and your family!

    Keep your chin up girl! And enjoy the holiday season to your fullest!!!


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