Thursday, October 30, 2008

8 things

Thanks Sheila!!

8 TV shows I love to watch (not in any particular order):

1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Law & Order SVU
3. CSI
4. CSI:Miami
5. One Tree Hill
6. 90210
7. Privileged
8. Army Wives

8 Things that Happened to me Yesterday:

1. Woke up at 3:30am(thanks to Dylan), laid in bed for a 1/2 hour and decided to get up at 4am to exercise to my Tracy Anderson Method DVD (thanks Stacie!!!, my arms are killing me)

2. Paid bills, checked account balances, checked email

3. Blogged

4. Took Brianna to the Harvest Festival at preschool. Helped at the cookie decorating table. It was that or the cupcake walk....

5. Visited with a friend while going through kids clothes. My garage is getting cleared out!!!

6. Went to Babies R Us with my mom to get gifts for Coo's aka Carolyn (guess it's the other way around since her legal name isn't Coo) Baby shower on Saturday.

7. Talked with Kalen, while he played PS3

8. Went to bed early, knowing I had to get up early today to run.

8 Favorite Places to Eat:

1. Joe's Crab Shack
2. In-N-Out
3. Chevys
4. Olive Garden
5. Red Robin
6. The Elephant Bar
7. BJ's Brewery
8. Amici's

8 Things I am looking forward to:

1. Halloween

2. The Holidays (especially the day after Thanksgiving sales!!!)
3. A nurse (for one day a week for 8 hours)
4. Rain
5. Dylan's meds back to normal
6. Cooler Weather (I'm kinda sick of the warm weather)
7. The TWILIGHT Movie!!!!
8. scrapbooking with my friend Judy for 8 hours:) Haven't scrapbooked in over a year!!!

8 Things on my wish list:

1. a new refrigerator that's bigger than the one Kalen had in his apartment
2. grass in the backyard
3. peaceful relationships with friends and family
4. a nap
5. vacation to Italy
6. a therapy room for Dylan
7. a play room for Brianna
8. have the energy to run another marathon:)

8 People I Tag:1. Jennifer 2. Stacy J. 3. Michelle Johnson. 4. Christine 5. Nicole 6. Paloma 7. Kelsey 8. Katie

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