Monday, October 20, 2008

Thinking of going private

All right everyone... I'm thinking of making my blog, "by invitation only". What's everyone's thoughts?


  1. Im always saying that Im going private but it never happens. get some blogger patrol

  2. Noooo. Don't go private. I personally don't see the point that much. Just be careful what you say.

  3. I think if you want to that is fine. I sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable that the whole world can get onto my blog. But I know that it does help some to read about Evan and the things we go through with him.

  4. I love you Francesca.
    I am glad to be your friend.
    A friend that I don't see often, and don't talk to often but a friend you know is always there. ready to help, talk, listen, love.
    your great.

  5. If you go private let me know. This is how I catch up on what you and your family is doing and how things are going.

  6. What would be the reason for going private? And would I get an invite? That will help me in making your decision for you, if you can answer those two questions. Thanks.


I love to read your comments! I will to respond to them quickly as possible. Leave your blog address so I can follow back:)


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