Thursday, August 23, 2007

Brianna and her hair

I was so happy that I was able to put Brianna's hair up into a "nub". She hates it when we try to do her hair. I can't figure out why. Papa has even tried to help and she won't even let him do it. So any ideas on how to get a little girl's hair done would be greatly appreciated.

The picture says it all...."cheese". Brianna is such a camera hog. She loves getting her picture taken and looking at it on the camera. She is also in love with her toothbrush and loves to brush her teeth multiple times a day.

1 comment:

  1. My sister gives her girls M&M's or some fruit snacks and toys to play with while she does their hair. And she does some pretty elaborate hair styles and has to use different types of hair products to tame those curls.


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