Sunday, November 10, 2013


So I've been thinking  A LOT about friendship lately. Sometimes finding and keeping friends in my 30's is WAY harder than junior high or high school. Definitely less drama though (at times). Since this topic has been on my mind, I asked myself, "What makes someone a good friend to me" and "How can I be a good friend in return"? I started thinking and this is what a good friend to me is:

  • Someone who WANTS to be MY friend. I've had many friends over the years that I think maybe  the feeling wasn't reciprocated. Meaning I wanted or valued them more than the other way around?
  • Someone who reciprocates friendly interaction. To me this means, I'm not the only one that emails, calls or text. I consider someone a TRUE friend that will initiate a relationship. We are all busy but I feel that is a relationship, whatever kind it is, needs action on both parties part. It's always hard when I feel a friendship is one sided. 
  • Someone who can keep my information private and not tell the whole world. Basically someone who is trustworthy.
  • Someone that is loyal (which goes along with someone that is trustworthy). This one is such a broad thing, but basically it's comes down to someone sticking up or defending me to others.
  • Someone that shares with me their joys, frustrations, pain, sadness, happiness. their hearts desires, etc. 
  • Someone that doesn't come around only when they "need" something from me.
I'm sure there are more qualities that I want in a friend, but at the moment those are the "big" ones for me. I hope that I am the type of friend that others look for. I truly cherish my friends. While I don't talk to some frequently enough, I know that we are still friends. 

I am so grateful for my friends both near and far. Just this past year I was able to reconnect with my long lost friend, Beth, thanks to my oldest friend, Meghan. I am grateful for their friendship and that we have been able to reconnect. I don't plan on letting them out of my life anytime soon.

We all want to have friends, but how often do we stop and think how we are "being" a friend to others. I know there are times in all of our lives where we get busy and fell out of the loop. I think true friends will most often accept our lack of action due to life's challenges thrown at us, with open arms. I hope to be a better friend to my friends that I have. I hope to have more meaningful relationships with them. Cherish your friends. Make a new one. Be someone that other people want to be around (that one is SO hard for me).

So I ask you, "What do you look for in a true friend"? Let me know here or on Facebook.

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