Friday, October 25, 2013

1 month

Where has the time gone?? I seriously have meant to blog. This past month has flown by. In exactly 30 days, we will be welcoming our newest member into our family. This is assuming she doesn't come early. The other 3 haven't so I'm hoping this one will stick to the same plan. We will see though.

I feel like there is so much to do, in order to "be ready" for a new baby, but really nothing prepares you for parenthood, whether it's your first or fourth time around. Maybe when it's your fourth, you have a better idea of what needs to be "really" taken care of or what you actually need for a baby. As of right now, I know I NEED to find the crib hardware that somehow became unattached to the crib frame. I REALLY don't want to have to buy a crib for our last kid. Unreasonable??? I hope not. I also need to find a dresser/changing table for her. I don't think having clothes in bins is a very good idea.

So in 1 month I hope to accomplish getting her room ready, clothes washed and put into the drawers (of the dresser I don't have as of yet), and my hospital bag packed (I really never know what to put in there since all my kids have been planned c-sections). While only three things here are listed, I know that is WAY more than needs to be done. Oh I forgot as massive cleaning of my house. That should be fun being 35 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Oh and I hope to get a pedicure before I head to the hospital, so if anyone wants to join me let me know:)

Those of you pregnant or have been pregnant in the past, what makes the last month at all enjoyable?? Because, REALLY how enjoyable is the last month of pregnancy! For me it's including swollen feet and ankles, varicose veins in my right foot and everyone telling me I look HUGE. I'm telling you pregnancy at times has had a negative aspect for my self esteem. I just have to remind myself that it will pass and then I can RUN again. I can't wait for that day! Plus I'll have a sweet baby girl to hold (even better)!

I'm excited to see how quickly or slowly this month goes. I hope it doesn't go too fast, so we can enjoy that last moments of being a family of 4 living individuals. Can't believe that if Dylan were alive we'd be a family of 6. We might haven't even had this baby if Dylan were alive. That's strange to think about. Wow! Life has a weird way of working out sometimes.

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