Monday, January 12, 2009

I promise and happy birthday Kalen

I will blog soon. With more pics and everything.....things have been a little crazy. Today is Kalen's 31st bday so I will start with that. On Friday night I organized a get together for Kalen's birthday. We had fun. there seemed to be a shortage of sitters. The pics are from the following night...enjoy.. I promise Christmas and Thanksgiving will be blogged about.
Kalen & I
Steve, kalen's friend who has spent a lot of time at our house putting up our French Doors. Check for a post about that later.

My mom & dad
Brian & Lori

Any of course the birthday boy. Happy birthday today Kalen. I love you!


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Happy Birthday to Kalen. Hope things are going ok. Give me a call if you need anything.

  2. Your back! happy bday to your hubby

  3. I have been thinking about you and was planning on emailing you today to see how you were since you suddenly went MIA. Glad to see you're back. Looking forward to more updates.

  4. HAha those hats are always so goofy and fun! We hope Kalen had a happy bday! Welcome back! I wish I had had a moment to talk with you on Sunday! I LOVE your hair! Please post more updates & family pics soon!!! We hope all is happy and well at your place!

  5. We're sorry we missed the get together. :( Things just didn't work out, but I'm glad you had a nice evening out. I'll give you a call later this week.

  6. Mmmmm...Chevy's. I can NOT go there anymore. I eat too many tortillas and chips before my meal gets to the table, then I eat ALL my food and I ALWAYS end up feeling disgustingly ill for a couple days.

    I love Chevy's soooo much. Oh, how I miss it.

    Happy birthday to Kalen!

  7. I had a great time, too! However, do you have an overwhelming desire to burn your clothes when you leave Chevy's? How can a smell be so tantalizing when you are in the restaurant, then smell like barf on your coat 15 minutes later. Strange!


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