Monday, January 19, 2009

Here it is.....are you happy???

So it's been awhile since I really blogged. Some days I mean to do it, but am just too busy. I was debating stopping back around Thanksgiving, but now know I have avid readers. So here's the update. I am missing pics from Christmas Eve so that will be in another post.

I finally made the decision to add doors to the entrance to the living room. I'm pleased to say that the French Doors to the living room/office/therapy room is almost done. YEAH! We couldn't have done it without the help of our friend Steve. Thanks for all the hard & meticulous work Steve. He fit it in during his lunch and after work some days. Kalen & I really appreciate it all Steve did. Here's some pics that Kalen took of Steve earlier today...boys will be boys:)

Once the doors were installed, I had to paint the new header, doors, and trim. Man did that suck. I can't believe how much painting I've done in the past year. Next is the hall bath. Only about 22 more things to do. The only reason I know it's 22 is because Kalen & I made a list.

Brianna is becoming more and more independent every day. She made a mess with chips last night(Kalen was in charge) and decided to "sweep" the floor. It was more like a vacuuming motion than sweeping. She tries. I can't believe that she is becoming so grown up. her new thing is to call me her mother, Kalen her father, and Dylan her daughter. She's a little confused on the last one. She also tells me that she wants to marry daddy, and when i tell her she can't she says then she will marry Dylan. i have to tell her no on that and then she proceeds to work through the rest of the list of family members..... She's silly.

What a goober!!!

Our happy boy Dylan. Some of you might not understand what I am going to say, but just bear with me. I am really struggling with Dylan right now. He "vocalizes" very loudly & constantly. He isn't sleeping at night, which in turns we aren't sleeping at night. Kalen helps get up with him at night also. I feel bad knowing that he had to go to work in the morning. This morning I had to force myself to get out of bed at 6:20 so I could go run at the gym. I am training for another half marathon. So I need to get my runs in. Dylan being awake all the time is extremely difficult. Some of you might be saying so what he doesn't sleep, but this isn't the first nor do I expect the last time that he won't sleep. This is my life. I've been pondering lately things that I can change in my life and there are very few things that I can. Talk about a sense of not being in control. I know a lot of people that are in control of their lives somewhat, but not me. Sometimes I wonder when it will get better. Dylan besides lack of sleep is doing well. Seizures are getting better. He has been having some breakthrough ones so we just upped his meds. hopefully that will help. He enjoys all of his therapies. We are happy with the progress he is making. He won't be running marathons soon, but is getting the hang of his gait trainer. Check a few photos below. He was acting tired for his music therapist and I was hoping we was going to take a nap, but as i type this he is whiny....geez..why won't he sleep!!!! That is the million dollar question in our house.

Just hanging out with Daddy

My doors. I have to take off all the plastic that is covering the windows and it makes such a mess....

Family get together for Kalen's birthday last week.....

Kalen's favorite treat for his birthday. Kalen's mom made him a chocolate chip pie growing up so I made him some last week. I made a total of 4 pies. They went super fast. (I sent 1 home with Steve and shared some with Dylan teacher...we aren't pigs if that's what you were thinking) They are really easy to make if anyone wants the recipe.

The birthday boy.

My beloved nephew, Henry. He climbed on the table to get some cake when everyone else left the table. He's a smart cookie.

My super silly niece, MaryEllen. She just had gotten done showing us how she can hold a spoon on her nose....what a great ice breaker...

We celebrate Epiphany on Jan 6th. Lori found the "toy" in the cake, so she is the queen for 2009. She of course picked Brian to be her king.

The cousins band..."boogers"!

Dylan just hanging out enjoying all the craziness.

Our little poser.

MaryEllen and Brianna had their first sleepover a few weeks ago. boy did it take a long time for them to go to sleep. One has to sleep with a nightlight, one sleeps without a night light, they wouldn't stop talking to each other, one of them got scared, I finally decided to let them fall asleep in my bed and that did the trick......yeah for cousins. They both had a fun time.

Everyone enjoys the ball pit Dylan got for Christmas

Happy Birthday DAD!!! We went over to my parent's house to celebrate my dad's bday.

Dylan really likes the ball pit he got for Christmas......He is a happy camper when he lays in it.

enjoying lights on Christmas Night.

Brianna got a scooter and a Big Wheel and she loves to wear her helmet and knee pads.

Someone loves the shoes she got

Our attempt at a family pic for the Christmas cards we sent out. Dylan was miserable. He was this one

Much better

The following pics are from Brianna's preschool Holiday party

This is what happens when I was on the phone making appointments for Dylan...who knew a laundry basket could be so comfortable.

Pretending to put her dolls down for a nap. She's going to be a great mom!

After her bath she helped decorate the Christmas Tree. Not sure what's up with all her poses.

These are pics from when Kalen put up our first Christmas lights ever on the outside of our house. Thanks!!!

Brianna had to get her tool set out to help Daddy.

We are now the proud owners of Rockband and Brianna loves to use the Guitar Hero guitar and pretend that she is playing. it's so cute!

Brianna came with Kalen to watch me run the Run to Feed the Hungry Race. she had a blast...

I can't remember how she bumped her forehead but thought the pic of her with an ice pack should be documented:)

Dylan in his gait trainer. He's starting to get the hang of it.

Brianna had her first official playdate with her friend Meghan. They had fun playing in her room and then playing hide and seek. Here they are enjoying their snack.

I think is the longest post ever and I'm planning on staying more up to date. If you are dying to know what's going on with us, just email me or find me on facebook:)


  1. I am amazedat how much has been going on. WOW. I loved the long post though.
    And is that a plug on the outside of your house. If so I am TOTALLY JEALOUS. do you now someone to help me?

  2. Glad to see the update. I totally get the part about what you cannot change. I feel your frustration with the sleep situation as you know I went through it for 2 years and will probably go through it again I am sure. Brianna is just growing so fast. I love the pics of Dylan in the gait trainer way to go. Love the french doors also.

  3. It's great to see so many pictures and get caught up on what's going on with you guys. I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time. You guys are such an inspiring family. You are lucky to have each other, especially when times are difficult. I hope Dylan starts sleeping again soon. Although our situations are very different, I totally get that there are things you can't change or don't have control over situations. I love and miss you!

  4. I love the pics of Dylan in the ball pit and Brianna in the laundy basket. Kids are soo funny......P.S. now we have to be rock band buddies. :)


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