Monday, December 15, 2008


So lately as some of you know I've been in a funk. No, I don't want to talk about it and I'm not doing okay. And it's not just because Dylan still is sick. The antibiotics didn't work well so I need to call his pediatrician again since the pulmonologist is on vacation and have him be seen again. We have a LVN coming this afternoon who was suppose to come on Friday night and didn't show up, but left a message on my cell which I didn't hear for hours after our missed appointment, saying she was not going to make it because she got off late from her shift somewhere else and was hungry. I spent Saturday shopping with my mom. I really didn't need anything since I'm almost done Christmas shopping. Just last minute things. I'm glad I got most of it done the day after Thanksgiving. Brianna is sure to be bored the next few weeks without preschool. any ideas on fun activities for kids that aren't too messy. I'm thinking that I need to schedule a few play dates for her. Maybe it's weird but I really am enjoying the rain. Not the cold but the rain. It's very peaceful. The one thing that I dislike about this weather is that it makes it hard to run with or without the kids.

I've been reading a good book about "Leading a Compassionate Life and the unexpected benefits of kindness". It's been interesting. I can't say I believe all of the theological stuff the author talks about but it definitely has some good points.

So how many of you have to travel east down Folsom Blvd. Since construction is going on Folsom and Watt is a nightmare. Well on Saturday I got flipped off by this chick who must not live in the area because she must not know about the crappy lane change job the construction workers did. I can't believe how many accidents that I, family or friends have almost been in, because of the poor markings on the road. I've been trying to figure out who I can contact to put in a complaint in the hopes that the road will be marked better....... to another Monday...some stuff just a different day!


  1. Its okay. We all get in a funk sometimes... we should go get pedicures.

    Here is a quote that someone left on a msg board I was reading this morning...

    "I’m a soon-to-be first-time mom (due Feb. 2), and pretty much the last of my good girlfriends to have a child. I always find it interesting that they feel compelled to say something along the lines of “I wouldn’t trade my son/daughter for anything” or “I love my son/daughter more than anything” before they comment that parenting is hard work. I see that same tendency in these posts. For some reason, society tells us that it’s not OK to admit that without adding how much we love our kids. No one should feel like a bad parent for being honest about how difficult it is. We working women wouldn’t feel the same pressure to say, “These 60-hour weeks are killing me — but don’t get me wrong, I love my job.”

    Yeah it would be nice to have a little break, for a personal retreat and freedom! LOL, admit it! :0) Not to abandon family or children, but to recharge our batteries.

    If you had a moment of free time, what would you do? Sleep, go out by yourself, date with hubby, girlfriend time, salon/spa retreat, shopping? What would it be? Tell us, so we can help you plan something!!! ;)

  2. As for a play date with Brianna, I totally wish we could make some sort of arrangement. Amy could really benefit spending time with other kiddos too.

    p.s. I luv the gentleness of the rain too.

  3. No play date here, since I am in Texas. But it so okay to be in a funk. That is the best time to go running in the rain, I lvoed doing that when I lived in Cali. Can't do it here though. I really don't think that I could do what you do with Dylan. He is very blessed to have you. Drop the kids off at someones and go be alone. You don't need the pedicure or the shopping, you just need time to not be a mom.

  4. It happens to the best of us, being in a funk, it is OK but it still just makes life harder when it happens. I am availabe on Friday as Evan will be at My Friends, please do not hesitate to call on me. I hope the nurse worked out yesterday.

  5. Doing the same thing everyday means so much to those you do it for you. Thanks for bieng one of those consistant mom's

  6. I don't really know what part of town you live in, but in Elk Grove they have pottery painting places "I Made It" and "Just Clayin' Around" and one other one, those are fun. Also, this might be a little advanced for her, but I have no idea, since I have not really looked into it, but there is the Young Chef's Academy.

    Admitting you are in a funk is hard, but good. At least you know you are in it. I hope things start looking up soon.


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