Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dylan did it!!

I just had a few minutes, but wanted to let everyone know how excited Kalen and I are. Dylan is eating oatmeal again. It's been months since he has eaten a solid food. we were worried that he would lose that skill. We are sticking with oatmeal and feeding tube formula for now, but maybe he will gain all of his eating skills back. I promise I'll post pics, thanksgiving updates, and everything else that's going on. and Emily I really hope to call you this week. Things have just been a little crazy....


  1. Very exciting. Congratulations in taking this step.

  2. Hooray!!!!!! Good for you guys! I know that a kid eating oatmeal sounds like small potatoes, but I know what a huge step this is for Dylan. What wonderful news! I hope this is the first step toward a good amount of progress for him.

    love you guys,
    Sarah Scott

  3. I am so glad. every tiny thing is a huge blessing.
    I bought and saved you a twilight shirt that we had made. I was unsure of your size so I am hoping large is cool. they shrink a ton.

  4. LOL, thank you for the phone call! You truly made my day a brighter one! And you should celebrate every milestone Dylan makes! Everyday is a miracle and blessing and through all the craziness its all those little accomplishments that make it exciting to work towards the next victory!


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