Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Therapy Session........

Dylan's stander aka torture device, just kidding, it's a piece of therapy equipment that helps Dylan "weight bear" and stand up, broke. Since it is broken I have to do all his weight bearing activities by holding him upright. He is a wiggly worm so it is always interesting when we do this. Dylan didn't complain too much. He actually tolerated the "session" really well. Just a few minor stressors happened.

Dylan standing up with support. I know you guys are probably asking yourself, " Does Dylan ever wear pants?". The answer is yes, it's just easier to put his leg braces on without pants. They get a tighter fit. Dylan is getting such a big boy. He is half my size in height. He is going to be a big kid.

A few laughs...........Dylan has come a long ways although he has had regression in the past year. Kalen and I truly believe it's due to the lack of therapy sessions. Some might say that Dylan is not going to progress much farther, but we believe that he will. He just has to be given the chance. I wonder how many other kids are categorized into the "we can't help them much more" pile.

It's a lot of work holding Dylan in an upright position. Dylan and I enjoy the time together working on his exercises.

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