Sunday, October 14, 2007

An afternoon at the Park

Most days after work Kalen take Brianna to one of the parks around our house. We are lucky to have 2 by us. Dylan and I decided to join Kalen and Brianna. We have lots of fun. Here are some pics from our trip last Monday afternoon. Brianna loves to go on the swing and the slides. Dylan loved "4-wheeling" in the grass. We did put him in the swing but there wasn't a lot of support for him to sit in the seat. We do have a special needs park somewhat close to us so hopefully one of these days we can make it down there. I don't think people realize how much having a special needs child can affect everyday things like going to the park.

Brianna loves to swing high.

Dylan loved being outside. He is such a happy boy. I wish people would treat him like any other child, by interacting with him. He may be nonverbal but he still likes attention. It was a fun family trip to the park!

"More high", Brianna says.

Once of Kalen and Brianna's rituals when they go to the park is to run to the fence that is near by. We made it a race. I pushed Dylan and daddy carried Brianna. They won. Everyone had a good laugh.
Our big girl Brianna. Her shirt says, "Daddy's Little Angel". She was an angel until it was time to go home. She wasn't to pleased that it was time to pack up.

Me and Dylan! I love him so much.

Daddy and Brianna. She wouldn't stop wiggling or smile for the camera. She was having one of her two year old fits.
Although she threw a fit, we had a really fun family activity. We hope to have more trips to the park as a family.

1 comment:

  1. hey, you figured out how to fix the "side" issue we were having, good job. love the pics of the marathon! it makes me want to run another one...i think it's kind of like child birth, you forget how painful it really is!!


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